Memory has importace in every field of life not only for students to pass exams but to everyone in everyday life. Every person wants to improve his memory .we always have been in the search of food that can improve our memory.Here are some brain food that may be beneficial for us.
Brain Foods
There are certain foods that are either suspected to improve brain function or have been proven to do so.
Many of these brain foods protect your brain by releasing anti-oxidants, natural chemicals that break down harmful compounds called "oxidants" that your body produces naturally. Most of these foods also contain important vitamins and nutrients essential for health.
Brain foods include:
• Apples
• Avocados
• Bananas
• Blueberries
• Dark green vegetables, such as spinach
• Eggs
• Flaxseed oil
• Salmon
Because each food is a little different, it is important to eat a variety. You need a well-rounded diet of brain foods to get the most benefit to eat at least one serving of each brain food at least once a week. Eating them every day would be even better!
Fish Oil
Your brain needs essential fatty acids to work well. Essential fatty acids are called "essential" because your body cannot make them. These fatty acids must be eaten in food. Examples include Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
You might think something called "fatty" would be bad for you. Actually these are "good" fats. In fact, large percentage of your brain is composed of these types of fats. So if you don't consume enough fatty acids in your diet, your memory and other brain functions will sufficient
The best type of fish oil to take is high-grade pharmaceutical fish oil in liquid form. Omega 3s help to boost your brain power. Omega 3s are commonly taken in supplement form, but you can get enough through food. Increase your intake of raw fish, such as salmon and cod. Other foods high in Omega 3s are walnuts, spinach, romaine lettuce and scallops. Eat more fatty fish. The same omega-3 fats that protect the heart may also protect the brain. These fats reduce inflammation in the body, a possible risk factor for Alzheimer's.
• Diet strategy: Aim for two 3-ounce servings a week of the fattier salmon, mackerel or sardines. Also, check with your doctor to see if you can take a fish oil capsule.
Stop Drinking Sodas
Regular soda is a sugar bomb. You brain needs a steady stream of glucose to work properly, not a truckload of refined sugar dumped on it all at once.
At a minimum, switch to diet soda - but I have heard that the artificial sweeteners in diet drinks can give you everything from gas, to cancer, to memory loss.
Instead, drink at least 2 liters (quarts) of water a day. This will also help you avoid dehydrating, which can hurt your memory directly.
That might seem like a lot of water, but you can easily drink that much if you make it part of your daily routine. My trick for drinking enough water is to re-use plastic 16oz water bottles.
I keep a bottle with me at all times. Each time I drink one, I refill it with tap water. I have these bottles all over the place - in my car, at my desk, next to my bed, in the refrigerator. It's a really simple trick.
Cut Back on Fast Food
Everyone knows that many items at fast food restaurants are high in calories, saturated fat, and salt. If you often eat fast food, consider cutting back or switching to healthier items on the menu.
Why is this important for your memory? One reason has to do with the oxygen supply to your brain. A diet high in saturated fats and salt can lead to carotid artery disease.
Carotid artery disease is a narrowing of the carotid arteries of the neck. These arteries supply blood and oxygen to the front part of your brain where thinking, speech, and other higher functions occur.
If your carotid arteries become clogged with fatty deposits (as happens with carotid artery disease), the supply of blood and oxygen to your brain is diminished. This can make it harder to think clearly and remember things. It also increases your chances of having a stroke.
And a diet high in saturated fats is one of the
Lose Some Weight
Get your weight down. Being overweight can lead to problems with your blood sugar - including diabetes.
Your brain's only fuel is the sugar in your blood. Control your weight to keep your blood sugar steady. This will help your brain and memory work better and give you more mental energy.
Chew Gum
This is a simple diet and memory trick. Research studies indicate that chewing gum can improve short-term and long-term memory. Some researchers found this even with sugar-free gum. So it's not the sugar.
One theory of why this works is that the chewing motion increases your heart rate. Increased heart rate increases blood flow to your head and brain. More blood flow means more oxygen, which helps your brain work better.
Rather than chewing gum constantly throughout the day, maybe save it for times when you need to perform well mentally. It's probably not a good idea to chew gum when giving a speech or other situations where you need to talk. But when studying, reading, or taking an exam, chewing gum might give you that extra mental edge.
If you decide to start chewing gum, I'd suggest the sugar-free variety only. Orbitz is one brand that I like. It comes in several different flavors. But any sugar-free gum is fine.
Eat Chocolate
Here's a diet and memory trick you probably weren't expecting. Research from the Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia shows that eating milk chocolate or dark chocolate can improve memory by as much as 20%.
However, chocolate is also full of sugar and fat which is bad for you. So what should you do?
Save the chocolate for crunch time. Right before an exam or before you give a presentation, eat a small bar of dark chocolate to give your brain a boost. (Dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate, because it provides benefits for your heart.)
Note: If you are trying to lose weight or trying to get very lean, skip this suggestion. Personally I almost never eat chocolate although IChocolate not only boosts serotonin, the "pleasure hormone", but also comes with large amounts of epicatechin, which improves the brain blood flow and boosts memory.
Eat More, Smaller Meals
To perform your best mentally, you must keep your blood sugar steady throughout the day. The best way to do this is to eat five or six small meals during the day rather than three large meals.
Overall, you may eat the same number of calories. But spreading out the calories into smaller meals helps your body regulate your blood sugar more easily.
Eat Breakfast
Skipping breakfast is very common in the United States and some other countries. But students who skip breakfast have worse memories and get lower grades in school on average. Many research studies support this.
Obviously, the negative effects of skipping breakfast also apply to adults and their performance at work. Do you want to advance your career and be a top performer? Start every day with a healthy breakfast!
It's simple - your brain and body need refueling after fasting overnight. A quick example: Eat a banana and a piece of whole-wheat toast with peanut butter.
Avoid sugary stuff that will cause your blood sugar to crash later. Traditional greasy breakfast food is probably not what your should eat regularly either.
Eating breakfast every day is a quick and easy diet and memory trick that no one should neglect.
Eat an Afternoon Snack
Blood sugar levels can dip in the afteroon. A couple hours after lunch, have a healthy snack like a protein smoothie and a piece of fruit. This will help you maintain alertness throughout the rest of the day.
Avoid White Pasta
Anything that spikes your blood sugar will crash your brain later and leave you unfocused. Avoid foods made with white flour, such as white bread, white pasta, donuts, and so on. Instead eat whole grains.
I completely cut out white flour from my diet and now only eat whole wheat and whole grain foods. Examples: Whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal.
Avoid Alcohol
I'm not going to lecture anyone on this. I think everyone knows that drinking too much alcohol kills brain cells.
That's not where you want to go - if anything you want more brain cells! Drink moderately or not at all.
Some people drink wine in moderation (one or two glasses a day) for the health benefit. This is probably fine.
Brush and Floss
According to a UCLA School of Dentistry research study, tooth and gum disease are highly linked to clogging in your carotid arteries (major arteries in the neck that send blood to the brain).
Clogged arteries mean restricted blood flow - which means less oxygen and nutrients for your brain, which can potentially hurt your concentration and memory. (See my discussion of carotid artery disease above.)
So keep your teeth clean and visit the dentist regularly!
Limit Calories
If you really put away the food at mealtimes, consider cutting way back. A research article in Nature Neuroscience explains that when your stomach is empty, a hormone called ghrelin is released in the memory centers of the brain.
Ghrelin causes new connections to form between brain cells. The study claims that when laboratory animals were injected with ghrelin directly, their memory and learning improved significantly.
So apparently there are some benefits to being hungry!
The lesson: There is no magic memory pill. Instead, the link between diet and memory is to eat and drink the best fuel to keep your brain humming along at it's best.
A proper, healthy diet will help improve your "natural" memory. Then use the memory systems and other memory techniques to build up your "trained" memory.
You've heard again and again that what you eat can have a major impact on your health. New research suggests that this may hold true for our brains as well.
A heart-healthy diet is emerging as a promising strategy to help ward off such diseases as Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. It may also help with physical activity and mental stimulation.
Plenty of questions still remain about the true impact of diet on memory loss. Some researchers suggest that the following strategies may slow down mental decline, but more studies are needed to prove this.
Limit cholesterol and bad fats. Excess cholesterol, saturated and trans fats are bad for your heart, and may also be trouble for your brain. In several studies, the risk of Alzheimer's was almost doubled among those who ate the most saturated fat.
Increase your "B's." Some research has shown a link between high levels of homocysteine (an amino acid in the blood) and an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's.
• Diet strategy: Vitamin B can lower blood homocysteine levels. Good sources are lean meats, low-fat dairy, green leafy vegetables, beans and whole grains.
Eat leafy greens. A high vegetable intake may slow the risk of mental decline, but the relationship seems strongest with green leafy veggies.
• Diet strategy: Stock up on kale, broccoli, mustard greens and lettuces like romaine and spinach.
Increase vitamin-E rich foods. has debunked a previous theory that vitamin E supplements may help keep the brain healthy. Experts have not ruled out the impact of vitamin E rich foods, though.
• Diet strategy: Use vegetable oils (olive and canola) and eat more nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables and whole grains.
• Diet strategy: Watch intake of sugars and white flour, and get plenty of fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, beans and whole grains.
Watch blood pressure. Even in somewhat healthy older adults, high blood pressure can damage blood vessels in the brain and reduce the brain's oxygen supply. This damage may disrupt nerve cells that are thought to be important to decision-making, memory and verbal skills.
• Diet strategy: Maintain a healthy weight, cut back on sodium and eat plenty of fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains.
rosemary improved the memories of office workers.
Free Radicals - Villians of our Memory
This is an important piece of information everyone should be aware of -- our modern brain is under attack like never before from its greatest enemies, thugs called Free Radicals. Originally, free radicals were placed by nature to help destroy invading bacteria and viruses, but they got way out of hand. Free radicals enter into the body when you breathe, and burn calories, so they cannot be completely avoided. They also get in your body through cigarette smoke, air pollution and toxic chemicals in the air and water. Most important to know, they are also carried into the body through fatty foods.
Our Brain - The Most Vulnerable Target of Free Radicals
What these free radicals do to the body is destructive and malicious -- they are dark forces that attack DNA, creating permanent cellular damage that accumulates over time, leading to accelerated aging, memory loss and virtually every chronic disease there is. Experts say that our brain is the most vulnerable target of free radicals. Free radical activity is a central event in the brains of people who suffer from degenerative brain diseases such as ALS, Parkinson's and notably Alzheimer's.
Omega-6 vs. Omega-3 Fats -
Imbalance of certain types of processed oils that is so severe, that it is being considered responsible for free radical damage to the brain as severe as nerve end destruction. Among polyunsaturated fatty acids, there are two basic types of fat, one called Omega-6 fat and the other Omega-3 fat that have distinctly different chemical make-ups. Our ancestors' evolutionary diets had a perfect balance between these two types of oils for 4 million years up until only recently when the Industrial Revolution brought drastic changes that ushered in the processed Omega-6 vegetable oils along with other high fat foods. The result was an utter attack on the brain that had skyrocketed the Omega-6 oils to new highs, while completely ignoring the importance of providing the Omega-3 oils. It is the ratio of these oils you eat that is the most important to your brain's health. Today, Americans, feasting on processed oil eat 15 to 20 times more Omega-6 fats than Omega-3 fats. This ratio is completely out of sync with our genetic origins and Americans in particular, are paying a high price.
Surprisingly, the most destructive source of Omega-6 fats are found in salad dressings. These are the Omega-6 oils to avoid: corn oil, regular safflower oil, and regular sunflower seed oil. Avoid foods, such as margarines, and salad dressing made with these oils. Replace these oils with olive oil or canola oil which include Omega-3 oils in their composition. Olive oil is especially recognized as a memory booster.
Most important to brain function is Omega-3 made of two specific fatty acids: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). DHA is the most powerful element in brain chemistry that must be continually supplied to the brain through Omega-3 rich seafood, or the brain falters and malfunctions. Here is a list of the top ten DHA fish your brain would love you for. One more bonus for your brain is that it can also convert a short-chain fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid LNA into DHA in adults. You get LNA in green leafy vegetables, flax seed and flax seed oil, canola oil, walnuts, Brazil nuts, seaweed, and algae.
+ = Antioxidants
How Can We Protect Our Brain from Free Radicals?
Other than doing an Omega fat balancing act, there is something else you can do to protect your brain from free radicals. You can bring in the best equipped force to deal with the thugs who want to rob you of your precious brain functions, the Antioxidants. Antioxidants are the best defense we have available to successfully combat the free radicals. Amazingly, though we might have neglected our brain's nutrition for years allowing these free radicals to grow rampant, much of the damage can be repaired in a very short period of time by simply providing our brain with repeated healthy doses of Antioxidants.
Because there are hoards of bandit free radicals created every microsecond in the body, Antioxidants form a network to battle them. This network actually works together in tandem to disarm the radicals, and ensure every Antioxidant is quickly rehabilitated to continue the battle. The superstar Antioxidants that makeup this network are vitamin E, vitamin C, glutathione, coenzyme Q10 and lipoic acid. Of these super five, only lipoic acid can resuscitate all the other network antioxidants, plus itself. It is the super key Antioxidant.
Nature has provided us with an Antioxidants in its food supply, namely in fruits and vegetables. Here is a ranked list of those fruits and vegetables best suited to combat free radical activities based on an ORAC score. The ORAC (oxygen radical absorbency capacity) scores signifies how well nature endowed that food with overall powers to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. There are other foods that rank high in Antioxidant content as well, such as black tea, green tea, chocolate, and even red wine. Among juices, Welch's red grape juice, was the highest rated Antioxidant juice at Tufts labs. One researcher was also shocked at the impact fresh blueberries had on brain function improvement as well.
Introduce Antioxidants
Foods rich in antioxidants help to counteract oxidative stress on the brain and improve memory. Typically fruits and vegetables that are deeply pigmented contain the most antioxidants. Next time you are at the supermarket, be sure to pick up blueberries, cranberries, acai berries, bananas, kale, brussel sprouts and peppers. Other foods with a high antioxidant level are beans, nuts and seeds.
Add Lean Red Meat
Lean red meats are rich in iron, zinc and vitamin B12. These vitamins and minerals help to repair cell damage in the brain which can curb memory loss and improve memory. Other sources of protein also help with memory loss, such as eggs and low-fat cheeses.
What you eat can affect your memory… but the relationship between diet and memory is complex, and is still under debate. What we do know, however, is that:
1. Certain vitamin deficiencies (e.g. B1, B3, B6, B12, folic acid) may be related to memory difficulties. Make sure to get your vitamins and minerals:
• B1 - sunflower seeds, whole and enriched grains, dried
• Beans, pork
• B3 - mushrooms, bran, tuna, chicken, beef, peanuts
• B6 - spinach, broccoli, bananas
• B12 - almost exclusively in animal products
• Folic acid - green leafy vegetables, orange juice, sprouts, chick peas
2. It is important to eat a balanced diet!
4. Eating or drinking something with sugar in it (like orange juice) can help you learn and remember things, at least for a little while.
6. Keep your coffee and alcohol intake low, because it can lead you to become dehydrated, which doesn’t make you as sharp!
8. People with high levels of cholesterol have found that lowering their cholesterol results in improved memory and cognitive abilities.
10. Homeopathic remedies such as ginko and ginseng are becoming all the rage, but there hasn’t been much research on how these “natural” herbs affect your health or your memory. Anyone taking these products should talk with their doctor, because there can be very serious side effects.
Aromatherapy for Good Memory
Essential oils like rosemary and basil are known to heighten a person’s sense of awareness and improve concentration. The oils can be dabbed on the skin or clothing when you go out or can be diffused through a burner at home
or in the office
Diet and Memory
Drink plenty of water every day as dehydration and fatigue can result in memory lapses.
Cut down on saturated fats that can clog the arteries and reduce blood flow to the brain.
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, tuna and nuts clear up the arteries and improve circulation. They are good for the heart too.
Gorge on foods rich in antioxidants like citrus, leafy greens and strawberries to prevent memory loss caused by oxidative damage to the brain cells (a common sign of aging)..
Coffee or caffeinated drinks can ward away lethargy and enhance one’s ability to concentrate for longer. Research has shown that people who drank a few cups of coffee a day were less likely to suffer from memory loss in old age. Caffeine boosts memory. So, coffee and tea (black or green) are good for your memory. Caffeine proved to protect intellectual skills in older women. Female subjects who drank over three cups of coffee (or the same caffeine amount in tea) daily scored better in memory tests than those who only had one cup or less of coffee/tea daily.
Including turmeric to one’s daily diet reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease at a later stage.
Blood Sugar and Memory
People with glucose intolerance are more prone to short-term memory lapses. In this case, it helps to have small, healthy and frequent meals several times a day.
Avoid ‘white’ carbs like rice, pasta and potatoes. Instead include wholesome and fiber rich foods like vegetables, whole grains and fruits in your diet.
Fish, nuts and avocadoes are an important source of ‘good fats’ that help regulate blood sugar levels.
Let the Brain Breathe
Improved circulation to the brain can boost up the brain function and enhance memory. Gingko biloba is one such herb that improves blood flow to the brain.
Regular exercise enhances circulation and helps prevent lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension and strokes – all of which can diminish memory functions.
Stimulate the Brain
Listening to music can improve concentration and enhance brain function.
Mental exercises like crossword puzzles, Sudoku, scrabble and memory games go a long way in keeping the brain functioning optimally.
. 1.Lecithin is a natural complex of phospholipids encountered naturally in soy beans and also in many structures of our body, like the membranes of the brain cells. The main ingredient in soy lecithin is phosphatidyl choline, which increases the amount of choline in the body, a chemical employed by the brain as precursor of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that boosts memory capacity, intellectual skills and focusing. There are special types of lecithin rich in phosphatidyl cholines on the market.
2.There are various minerals and aminoacids crucial for the right functioning of the neurotransmitters and other brain functions. These minerals must be supplemented in case of intellectual effort: chrome, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and zinc.
3.Eat many fruits and green vegetables rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Bilberries, blackberries, grapes, fish and fish oil, eggs, spinach and almonds are also recommended.
6.A recent Japanese research found a new quality of the old onion: it boosts your memory! Subjects experiencing memory loss reported improved recall abilities after ingesting lightly cooked pieces of onion. An anti-oxidant chemical in onions seems to attach to toxins in the brain, helping in eliminating them. The sulfur containing chemical is turned on when onions are slightly heated in a pan, but overcooking can damage the chemical's memory-boosting qualities. The same active chemical is also encountered in other members of the Allium genus, like garlic (Allium sativum) and leek (A. porrum).
There Is Memory Boosting Foods, Improve Memory
Do you have trouble remembering names, tasks or even where you put the car keys? Forgetting is often associated with old age, but this information-packed age in which we live is hard to remember, and remember what we are. Fortunately, there is memory boosting foods that help maintain optimal function of the brain leading to mental fitness and improved retention. Here's our short list for the best foods to improve memory:
1. Avocados. Avocados normalize blood flow in turn pumps fresh oxygen to your brain. Avocados also contain lots of essential fatty acids that help support brain function.
2. Almonds. Rich in antioxidants and essential fats, almonds are the perfect brain food to ensure that the role of peak mental capacity.
3. Apples and grapes. The skin of the apples and grapes contain high levels of an antioxidant called quercetin, which has been shown to protect against Alzheimer's disease . Although it is also present in the flesh, the most quercetin is found in the skin. Red apples also contain anthocyanin in their skins.
Red, purple, and black grapes all contain quercetin and anthocyanin. Red wine also contains good levels of these phytochemicals, but overindulging in red wine may negate the benefits so keeping consumption to one glass per day may be wise
4. Blueberries. One of the best natural sources of antioxidants "natural teeth whitening", blueberries will ensure that your brain is protected from damage from free radicals. Eat blueberries have been associated with better memory, balance and coordination.
5. Carrots. Carrots are high in vitamin C, B and beta carotene, which were able to stop the signs of aging that can result in memory loss.
6. The black chocolate. Chocolate lovers have another reason to enjoy - not only are loaded with antioxidants, but also contains stimulants to boost endorphins lift your mood and keep you focused.
7. Greens. The darker the color of the plants, the more antioxidants and iron that contain it. Stay mentally alert with vitamin B6 and folic acid found in green vegetables.
8. Eggs. Eggs contain high amounts of B vitamins, plus omega-3 fats and vitamin E. Vitamin B is great as a stress reliever and a sedative agent.
9. Green tea or coffee. The caffeine in green tea and coffee will help keep you mentally alert, while antioxidants that protect against age-related brain deterioration.
10. Salmon. Loaded with healthy omega-3 fats that are critical for the proper development and functioning of your brain. Salmon is rich in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which ensures that our brain can function at a high level.
In addition to feeding your brain with the brain of these healthy foods, be sure to stay active to ensure proper circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain. This will result in more nutrients feed the brain that results in less stress, better memory and a sharp focus.
Health and fitness enthusiast. home teeth whitening
Here are ten foods that may improve your memory, if you can remember to eat them. You might notice that many of the foods on this list are red or purple in color. That's because the phytochemical that colors them, anthocyanin, is the same phytochemical that's good for your brain.
Blueberries have been shown in numerous studies to do wonderful things for memory and the brain in general. Old rats that were fed blueberries scored the same as young rats on memory tests. Blueberries contain anthocyanin, a known memory-boosting phytochemical. They also contain many other phytochemicals that may contribute to healthy brain function.
In a study found that when rats was feeded spinach It prevented and even reversed the loss of memory. The cause may be high folic acid content, a nutrient that is believed to be protective against Alzheimer's disease and age-related memory loss. Just intake a half-cup of cooked spinach provides two-thirds your daily requirement of folic acid.
Red onions contain anthocyanin and quercetin. Yellow and white onions also contain good levels of quercetin. In India, where onions are an important staple, onions have been used as a folk remedy to boost memory for centuries.
Broccoli contains quercetin. It's also a good source of folic acid.
Red Beets
Beets are a good source of anthocyanin and folic acid.
Another red food that is a good source of anthocyanin.
Eggplant is a great source of anthocyanin. It also contains nasunin, an antioxidant that protects the lipids in brain cell membranes.
Researchers have found that the carnosic acid in rosemary is neuroprotective and may play a role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative brain disorders.
Brain Foods
There are certain foods that are either suspected to improve brain function or have been proven to do so.
Many of these brain foods protect your brain by releasing anti-oxidants, natural chemicals that break down harmful compounds called "oxidants" that your body produces naturally. Most of these foods also contain important vitamins and nutrients essential for health.
Brain foods include:
• Apples
• Avocados
• Bananas
• Blueberries
• Dark green vegetables, such as spinach
• Eggs
• Flaxseed oil
• Salmon
Because each food is a little different, it is important to eat a variety. You need a well-rounded diet of brain foods to get the most benefit to eat at least one serving of each brain food at least once a week. Eating them every day would be even better!
Fish Oil
Your brain needs essential fatty acids to work well. Essential fatty acids are called "essential" because your body cannot make them. These fatty acids must be eaten in food. Examples include Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
You might think something called "fatty" would be bad for you. Actually these are "good" fats. In fact, large percentage of your brain is composed of these types of fats. So if you don't consume enough fatty acids in your diet, your memory and other brain functions will sufficient
The best type of fish oil to take is high-grade pharmaceutical fish oil in liquid form. Omega 3s help to boost your brain power. Omega 3s are commonly taken in supplement form, but you can get enough through food. Increase your intake of raw fish, such as salmon and cod. Other foods high in Omega 3s are walnuts, spinach, romaine lettuce and scallops. Eat more fatty fish. The same omega-3 fats that protect the heart may also protect the brain. These fats reduce inflammation in the body, a possible risk factor for Alzheimer's.
• Diet strategy: Aim for two 3-ounce servings a week of the fattier salmon, mackerel or sardines. Also, check with your doctor to see if you can take a fish oil capsule.
Stop Drinking Sodas
Regular soda is a sugar bomb. You brain needs a steady stream of glucose to work properly, not a truckload of refined sugar dumped on it all at once.
At a minimum, switch to diet soda - but I have heard that the artificial sweeteners in diet drinks can give you everything from gas, to cancer, to memory loss.
Instead, drink at least 2 liters (quarts) of water a day. This will also help you avoid dehydrating, which can hurt your memory directly.
That might seem like a lot of water, but you can easily drink that much if you make it part of your daily routine. My trick for drinking enough water is to re-use plastic 16oz water bottles.
I keep a bottle with me at all times. Each time I drink one, I refill it with tap water. I have these bottles all over the place - in my car, at my desk, next to my bed, in the refrigerator. It's a really simple trick.
Cut Back on Fast Food
Everyone knows that many items at fast food restaurants are high in calories, saturated fat, and salt. If you often eat fast food, consider cutting back or switching to healthier items on the menu.
Why is this important for your memory? One reason has to do with the oxygen supply to your brain. A diet high in saturated fats and salt can lead to carotid artery disease.
Carotid artery disease is a narrowing of the carotid arteries of the neck. These arteries supply blood and oxygen to the front part of your brain where thinking, speech, and other higher functions occur.
If your carotid arteries become clogged with fatty deposits (as happens with carotid artery disease), the supply of blood and oxygen to your brain is diminished. This can make it harder to think clearly and remember things. It also increases your chances of having a stroke.
And a diet high in saturated fats is one of the
Lose Some Weight
Get your weight down. Being overweight can lead to problems with your blood sugar - including diabetes.
Your brain's only fuel is the sugar in your blood. Control your weight to keep your blood sugar steady. This will help your brain and memory work better and give you more mental energy.
Chew Gum
This is a simple diet and memory trick. Research studies indicate that chewing gum can improve short-term and long-term memory. Some researchers found this even with sugar-free gum. So it's not the sugar.
One theory of why this works is that the chewing motion increases your heart rate. Increased heart rate increases blood flow to your head and brain. More blood flow means more oxygen, which helps your brain work better.
Rather than chewing gum constantly throughout the day, maybe save it for times when you need to perform well mentally. It's probably not a good idea to chew gum when giving a speech or other situations where you need to talk. But when studying, reading, or taking an exam, chewing gum might give you that extra mental edge.
If you decide to start chewing gum, I'd suggest the sugar-free variety only. Orbitz is one brand that I like. It comes in several different flavors. But any sugar-free gum is fine.
Eat Chocolate
Here's a diet and memory trick you probably weren't expecting. Research from the Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia shows that eating milk chocolate or dark chocolate can improve memory by as much as 20%.
However, chocolate is also full of sugar and fat which is bad for you. So what should you do?
Save the chocolate for crunch time. Right before an exam or before you give a presentation, eat a small bar of dark chocolate to give your brain a boost. (Dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate, because it provides benefits for your heart.)
Note: If you are trying to lose weight or trying to get very lean, skip this suggestion. Personally I almost never eat chocolate although IChocolate not only boosts serotonin, the "pleasure hormone", but also comes with large amounts of epicatechin, which improves the brain blood flow and boosts memory.
Eat More, Smaller Meals
To perform your best mentally, you must keep your blood sugar steady throughout the day. The best way to do this is to eat five or six small meals during the day rather than three large meals.
Overall, you may eat the same number of calories. But spreading out the calories into smaller meals helps your body regulate your blood sugar more easily.
Eat Breakfast
Skipping breakfast is very common in the United States and some other countries. But students who skip breakfast have worse memories and get lower grades in school on average. Many research studies support this.
Obviously, the negative effects of skipping breakfast also apply to adults and their performance at work. Do you want to advance your career and be a top performer? Start every day with a healthy breakfast!
It's simple - your brain and body need refueling after fasting overnight. A quick example: Eat a banana and a piece of whole-wheat toast with peanut butter.
Avoid sugary stuff that will cause your blood sugar to crash later. Traditional greasy breakfast food is probably not what your should eat regularly either.
Eating breakfast every day is a quick and easy diet and memory trick that no one should neglect.
Eat an Afternoon Snack
Blood sugar levels can dip in the afteroon. A couple hours after lunch, have a healthy snack like a protein smoothie and a piece of fruit. This will help you maintain alertness throughout the rest of the day.
Avoid White Pasta
Anything that spikes your blood sugar will crash your brain later and leave you unfocused. Avoid foods made with white flour, such as white bread, white pasta, donuts, and so on. Instead eat whole grains.
I completely cut out white flour from my diet and now only eat whole wheat and whole grain foods. Examples: Whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal.
Avoid Alcohol
I'm not going to lecture anyone on this. I think everyone knows that drinking too much alcohol kills brain cells.
That's not where you want to go - if anything you want more brain cells! Drink moderately or not at all.
Some people drink wine in moderation (one or two glasses a day) for the health benefit. This is probably fine.
Brush and Floss
According to a UCLA School of Dentistry research study, tooth and gum disease are highly linked to clogging in your carotid arteries (major arteries in the neck that send blood to the brain).
Clogged arteries mean restricted blood flow - which means less oxygen and nutrients for your brain, which can potentially hurt your concentration and memory. (See my discussion of carotid artery disease above.)
So keep your teeth clean and visit the dentist regularly!
Limit Calories
If you really put away the food at mealtimes, consider cutting way back. A research article in Nature Neuroscience explains that when your stomach is empty, a hormone called ghrelin is released in the memory centers of the brain.
Ghrelin causes new connections to form between brain cells. The study claims that when laboratory animals were injected with ghrelin directly, their memory and learning improved significantly.
So apparently there are some benefits to being hungry!
The lesson: There is no magic memory pill. Instead, the link between diet and memory is to eat and drink the best fuel to keep your brain humming along at it's best.
A proper, healthy diet will help improve your "natural" memory. Then use the memory systems and other memory techniques to build up your "trained" memory.
You've heard again and again that what you eat can have a major impact on your health. New research suggests that this may hold true for our brains as well.
A heart-healthy diet is emerging as a promising strategy to help ward off such diseases as Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. It may also help with physical activity and mental stimulation.
Plenty of questions still remain about the true impact of diet on memory loss. Some researchers suggest that the following strategies may slow down mental decline, but more studies are needed to prove this.
Limit cholesterol and bad fats. Excess cholesterol, saturated and trans fats are bad for your heart, and may also be trouble for your brain. In several studies, the risk of Alzheimer's was almost doubled among those who ate the most saturated fat.
Increase your "B's." Some research has shown a link between high levels of homocysteine (an amino acid in the blood) and an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's.
• Diet strategy: Vitamin B can lower blood homocysteine levels. Good sources are lean meats, low-fat dairy, green leafy vegetables, beans and whole grains.
Eat leafy greens. A high vegetable intake may slow the risk of mental decline, but the relationship seems strongest with green leafy veggies.
• Diet strategy: Stock up on kale, broccoli, mustard greens and lettuces like romaine and spinach.
Increase vitamin-E rich foods. has debunked a previous theory that vitamin E supplements may help keep the brain healthy. Experts have not ruled out the impact of vitamin E rich foods, though.
• Diet strategy: Use vegetable oils (olive and canola) and eat more nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables and whole grains.
• Diet strategy: Watch intake of sugars and white flour, and get plenty of fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, beans and whole grains.
Watch blood pressure. Even in somewhat healthy older adults, high blood pressure can damage blood vessels in the brain and reduce the brain's oxygen supply. This damage may disrupt nerve cells that are thought to be important to decision-making, memory and verbal skills.
• Diet strategy: Maintain a healthy weight, cut back on sodium and eat plenty of fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains.
rosemary improved the memories of office workers.
Free Radicals - Villians of our Memory
This is an important piece of information everyone should be aware of -- our modern brain is under attack like never before from its greatest enemies, thugs called Free Radicals. Originally, free radicals were placed by nature to help destroy invading bacteria and viruses, but they got way out of hand. Free radicals enter into the body when you breathe, and burn calories, so they cannot be completely avoided. They also get in your body through cigarette smoke, air pollution and toxic chemicals in the air and water. Most important to know, they are also carried into the body through fatty foods.
Our Brain - The Most Vulnerable Target of Free Radicals
What these free radicals do to the body is destructive and malicious -- they are dark forces that attack DNA, creating permanent cellular damage that accumulates over time, leading to accelerated aging, memory loss and virtually every chronic disease there is. Experts say that our brain is the most vulnerable target of free radicals. Free radical activity is a central event in the brains of people who suffer from degenerative brain diseases such as ALS, Parkinson's and notably Alzheimer's.
Omega-6 vs. Omega-3 Fats -
Imbalance of certain types of processed oils that is so severe, that it is being considered responsible for free radical damage to the brain as severe as nerve end destruction. Among polyunsaturated fatty acids, there are two basic types of fat, one called Omega-6 fat and the other Omega-3 fat that have distinctly different chemical make-ups. Our ancestors' evolutionary diets had a perfect balance between these two types of oils for 4 million years up until only recently when the Industrial Revolution brought drastic changes that ushered in the processed Omega-6 vegetable oils along with other high fat foods. The result was an utter attack on the brain that had skyrocketed the Omega-6 oils to new highs, while completely ignoring the importance of providing the Omega-3 oils. It is the ratio of these oils you eat that is the most important to your brain's health. Today, Americans, feasting on processed oil eat 15 to 20 times more Omega-6 fats than Omega-3 fats. This ratio is completely out of sync with our genetic origins and Americans in particular, are paying a high price.
Surprisingly, the most destructive source of Omega-6 fats are found in salad dressings. These are the Omega-6 oils to avoid: corn oil, regular safflower oil, and regular sunflower seed oil. Avoid foods, such as margarines, and salad dressing made with these oils. Replace these oils with olive oil or canola oil which include Omega-3 oils in their composition. Olive oil is especially recognized as a memory booster.
Most important to brain function is Omega-3 made of two specific fatty acids: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). DHA is the most powerful element in brain chemistry that must be continually supplied to the brain through Omega-3 rich seafood, or the brain falters and malfunctions. Here is a list of the top ten DHA fish your brain would love you for. One more bonus for your brain is that it can also convert a short-chain fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid LNA into DHA in adults. You get LNA in green leafy vegetables, flax seed and flax seed oil, canola oil, walnuts, Brazil nuts, seaweed, and algae.
+ = Antioxidants
How Can We Protect Our Brain from Free Radicals?
Other than doing an Omega fat balancing act, there is something else you can do to protect your brain from free radicals. You can bring in the best equipped force to deal with the thugs who want to rob you of your precious brain functions, the Antioxidants. Antioxidants are the best defense we have available to successfully combat the free radicals. Amazingly, though we might have neglected our brain's nutrition for years allowing these free radicals to grow rampant, much of the damage can be repaired in a very short period of time by simply providing our brain with repeated healthy doses of Antioxidants.
Because there are hoards of bandit free radicals created every microsecond in the body, Antioxidants form a network to battle them. This network actually works together in tandem to disarm the radicals, and ensure every Antioxidant is quickly rehabilitated to continue the battle. The superstar Antioxidants that makeup this network are vitamin E, vitamin C, glutathione, coenzyme Q10 and lipoic acid. Of these super five, only lipoic acid can resuscitate all the other network antioxidants, plus itself. It is the super key Antioxidant.
Nature has provided us with an Antioxidants in its food supply, namely in fruits and vegetables. Here is a ranked list of those fruits and vegetables best suited to combat free radical activities based on an ORAC score. The ORAC (oxygen radical absorbency capacity) scores signifies how well nature endowed that food with overall powers to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. There are other foods that rank high in Antioxidant content as well, such as black tea, green tea, chocolate, and even red wine. Among juices, Welch's red grape juice, was the highest rated Antioxidant juice at Tufts labs. One researcher was also shocked at the impact fresh blueberries had on brain function improvement as well.
Introduce Antioxidants
Foods rich in antioxidants help to counteract oxidative stress on the brain and improve memory. Typically fruits and vegetables that are deeply pigmented contain the most antioxidants. Next time you are at the supermarket, be sure to pick up blueberries, cranberries, acai berries, bananas, kale, brussel sprouts and peppers. Other foods with a high antioxidant level are beans, nuts and seeds.
Add Lean Red Meat
Lean red meats are rich in iron, zinc and vitamin B12. These vitamins and minerals help to repair cell damage in the brain which can curb memory loss and improve memory. Other sources of protein also help with memory loss, such as eggs and low-fat cheeses.
What you eat can affect your memory… but the relationship between diet and memory is complex, and is still under debate. What we do know, however, is that:
1. Certain vitamin deficiencies (e.g. B1, B3, B6, B12, folic acid) may be related to memory difficulties. Make sure to get your vitamins and minerals:
• B1 - sunflower seeds, whole and enriched grains, dried
• Beans, pork
• B3 - mushrooms, bran, tuna, chicken, beef, peanuts
• B6 - spinach, broccoli, bananas
• B12 - almost exclusively in animal products
• Folic acid - green leafy vegetables, orange juice, sprouts, chick peas
2. It is important to eat a balanced diet!
4. Eating or drinking something with sugar in it (like orange juice) can help you learn and remember things, at least for a little while.
6. Keep your coffee and alcohol intake low, because it can lead you to become dehydrated, which doesn’t make you as sharp!
8. People with high levels of cholesterol have found that lowering their cholesterol results in improved memory and cognitive abilities.
10. Homeopathic remedies such as ginko and ginseng are becoming all the rage, but there hasn’t been much research on how these “natural” herbs affect your health or your memory. Anyone taking these products should talk with their doctor, because there can be very serious side effects.
Aromatherapy for Good Memory
Essential oils like rosemary and basil are known to heighten a person’s sense of awareness and improve concentration. The oils can be dabbed on the skin or clothing when you go out or can be diffused through a burner at home
or in the office
Diet and Memory
Drink plenty of water every day as dehydration and fatigue can result in memory lapses.
Cut down on saturated fats that can clog the arteries and reduce blood flow to the brain.
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, tuna and nuts clear up the arteries and improve circulation. They are good for the heart too.
Gorge on foods rich in antioxidants like citrus, leafy greens and strawberries to prevent memory loss caused by oxidative damage to the brain cells (a common sign of aging)..
Coffee or caffeinated drinks can ward away lethargy and enhance one’s ability to concentrate for longer. Research has shown that people who drank a few cups of coffee a day were less likely to suffer from memory loss in old age. Caffeine boosts memory. So, coffee and tea (black or green) are good for your memory. Caffeine proved to protect intellectual skills in older women. Female subjects who drank over three cups of coffee (or the same caffeine amount in tea) daily scored better in memory tests than those who only had one cup or less of coffee/tea daily.
Including turmeric to one’s daily diet reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease at a later stage.
Blood Sugar and Memory
People with glucose intolerance are more prone to short-term memory lapses. In this case, it helps to have small, healthy and frequent meals several times a day.
Avoid ‘white’ carbs like rice, pasta and potatoes. Instead include wholesome and fiber rich foods like vegetables, whole grains and fruits in your diet.
Fish, nuts and avocadoes are an important source of ‘good fats’ that help regulate blood sugar levels.
Let the Brain Breathe
Improved circulation to the brain can boost up the brain function and enhance memory. Gingko biloba is one such herb that improves blood flow to the brain.
Regular exercise enhances circulation and helps prevent lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension and strokes – all of which can diminish memory functions.
Stimulate the Brain
Listening to music can improve concentration and enhance brain function.
Mental exercises like crossword puzzles, Sudoku, scrabble and memory games go a long way in keeping the brain functioning optimally.
. 1.Lecithin is a natural complex of phospholipids encountered naturally in soy beans and also in many structures of our body, like the membranes of the brain cells. The main ingredient in soy lecithin is phosphatidyl choline, which increases the amount of choline in the body, a chemical employed by the brain as precursor of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that boosts memory capacity, intellectual skills and focusing. There are special types of lecithin rich in phosphatidyl cholines on the market.
2.There are various minerals and aminoacids crucial for the right functioning of the neurotransmitters and other brain functions. These minerals must be supplemented in case of intellectual effort: chrome, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and zinc.
3.Eat many fruits and green vegetables rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Bilberries, blackberries, grapes, fish and fish oil, eggs, spinach and almonds are also recommended.
6.A recent Japanese research found a new quality of the old onion: it boosts your memory! Subjects experiencing memory loss reported improved recall abilities after ingesting lightly cooked pieces of onion. An anti-oxidant chemical in onions seems to attach to toxins in the brain, helping in eliminating them. The sulfur containing chemical is turned on when onions are slightly heated in a pan, but overcooking can damage the chemical's memory-boosting qualities. The same active chemical is also encountered in other members of the Allium genus, like garlic (Allium sativum) and leek (A. porrum).
There Is Memory Boosting Foods, Improve Memory
Do you have trouble remembering names, tasks or even where you put the car keys? Forgetting is often associated with old age, but this information-packed age in which we live is hard to remember, and remember what we are. Fortunately, there is memory boosting foods that help maintain optimal function of the brain leading to mental fitness and improved retention. Here's our short list for the best foods to improve memory:
1. Avocados. Avocados normalize blood flow in turn pumps fresh oxygen to your brain. Avocados also contain lots of essential fatty acids that help support brain function.
2. Almonds. Rich in antioxidants and essential fats, almonds are the perfect brain food to ensure that the role of peak mental capacity.
3. Apples and grapes. The skin of the apples and grapes contain high levels of an antioxidant called quercetin, which has been shown to protect against Alzheimer's disease . Although it is also present in the flesh, the most quercetin is found in the skin. Red apples also contain anthocyanin in their skins.
Red, purple, and black grapes all contain quercetin and anthocyanin. Red wine also contains good levels of these phytochemicals, but overindulging in red wine may negate the benefits so keeping consumption to one glass per day may be wise
4. Blueberries. One of the best natural sources of antioxidants "natural teeth whitening", blueberries will ensure that your brain is protected from damage from free radicals. Eat blueberries have been associated with better memory, balance and coordination.
5. Carrots. Carrots are high in vitamin C, B and beta carotene, which were able to stop the signs of aging that can result in memory loss.
6. The black chocolate. Chocolate lovers have another reason to enjoy - not only are loaded with antioxidants, but also contains stimulants to boost endorphins lift your mood and keep you focused.
7. Greens. The darker the color of the plants, the more antioxidants and iron that contain it. Stay mentally alert with vitamin B6 and folic acid found in green vegetables.
8. Eggs. Eggs contain high amounts of B vitamins, plus omega-3 fats and vitamin E. Vitamin B is great as a stress reliever and a sedative agent.
9. Green tea or coffee. The caffeine in green tea and coffee will help keep you mentally alert, while antioxidants that protect against age-related brain deterioration.
10. Salmon. Loaded with healthy omega-3 fats that are critical for the proper development and functioning of your brain. Salmon is rich in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which ensures that our brain can function at a high level.
In addition to feeding your brain with the brain of these healthy foods, be sure to stay active to ensure proper circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain. This will result in more nutrients feed the brain that results in less stress, better memory and a sharp focus.
Health and fitness enthusiast. home teeth whitening
Here are ten foods that may improve your memory, if you can remember to eat them. You might notice that many of the foods on this list are red or purple in color. That's because the phytochemical that colors them, anthocyanin, is the same phytochemical that's good for your brain.
Blueberries have been shown in numerous studies to do wonderful things for memory and the brain in general. Old rats that were fed blueberries scored the same as young rats on memory tests. Blueberries contain anthocyanin, a known memory-boosting phytochemical. They also contain many other phytochemicals that may contribute to healthy brain function.
In a study found that when rats was feeded spinach It prevented and even reversed the loss of memory. The cause may be high folic acid content, a nutrient that is believed to be protective against Alzheimer's disease and age-related memory loss. Just intake a half-cup of cooked spinach provides two-thirds your daily requirement of folic acid.
Red onions contain anthocyanin and quercetin. Yellow and white onions also contain good levels of quercetin. In India, where onions are an important staple, onions have been used as a folk remedy to boost memory for centuries.
Broccoli contains quercetin. It's also a good source of folic acid.
Red Beets
Beets are a good source of anthocyanin and folic acid.
Another red food that is a good source of anthocyanin.
Eggplant is a great source of anthocyanin. It also contains nasunin, an antioxidant that protects the lipids in brain cell membranes.
Researchers have found that the carnosic acid in rosemary is neuroprotective and may play a role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative brain disorders.
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